With its long battery life, you can start tracking immediately without the need for any energy and assembly, with its high magnet grip feature, designed for those who want to follow up for days without being affected by harsh climatic conditions, such as rain, mud, dust.
• Magnet Tracker and charging adapter
• Web-based monitoring software
• Mobile application
• Support and call center service
• Server and Subscription service during the warranty period
• Fully mobile operation with long-lasting battery
• Superior magnet holding power
• High precision geolocation
• Working in accordance with climatic conditions
• Waterproof, Dustproof
• Shock and vibration resistant
• Ability to detect external interventions
• Fireproof box
• Removable cover with slide without using external tools
• With web-based tracking and mobile application, you can monitor from anywhere with internet.
You can start tracking your vehicles online and instantly by logging in with your authorized user name and password by entering www.pergo.com.tr on the internet, regardless of browser and operating system.
Thanks to the applications specially designed and developed for mobile phones and tablets, you can start tracking your vehicles online and instantly. You can draw routes to your vehicles on the map and receive alarm and violation reports.
From the moment you own PERGO devices, you do not pay any fees for server service, software, hardware and Map updates during the warranty period (24 Months).
From the moment you own PERGO devices, you can get 24/7 support during the warranty period, and you can find instant solutions to all your problems.
From the moment you own PERGO devices, you can benefit from our assembly-disassembly and service services with our expert technical staff, thanks to our wide service network within the borders of Turkey.